englishandarts courses

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flecha Courses
  Aimed at children, adolescents, young adults and adults.
Academic preparation for English teacher training and translation colleges
  Aimed at candidates who want to sit for admission
exams at an English teacher training college and/ or
a translation college.
  The aim of these informal meetings is to deal with topics related to the needs of students, parents and teachers.
The idea is to provide attendants with the possibility of sharing in a motivating and relaxing atmosphere.

fleceles International Exams
  Aimed at students who want to sit for
international exams. Candidates will be working
on the four skills (writing, reading, listening and
speaking) in these courses.
fleazul AACI Certificates
  Students sit for their end of the year exams
at AACI and get a certificate.
flechbor Spanish Courses for foreigners
  Aimed at foreigners who want to learn Spanish.
flever Arts and Entertainment
  The students of English and Arts live the language through different expressions of the Arts.



`The students of English and Arts use English as a tool to interact in different social situations,
learn from a new culture and enjoy it´.



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Experiences Abroad!


londres1 londres2

Together at the theatre!

`Young Einstein´ and `Game Over´ by BAP

young_einstein game_over

Walking tours around BA!

Visits to historical places!

For more information, contact us…

E n g l i s h a n d A r t s ® 2 0 1 8 info@englishandarts.com.ar estudiomenga